Monday, November 8, 2010


It took me 10 days from the start of my elements creation to finish the more than 30 that i ended up with. I'm really proud of my first Full Sized kit! granted i know i'll look back on it in a few years and be like.. "What was i thinking?" but for now, i'll just be proud of it,and puff out my feathers and celebrate my hard work!!
so here it is.. Classic Hollywood Romance in all it's glory!

Thanks for stopping by and showing your support! :)

Sunday, November 7, 2010


It took a whole nother week to finish all the elements for this kit. I'll be posting it soon for y'all to see. I've been studying preview designs and packaging to see what i think best works for me, to make my creations most presentable to you. So it is my hope to have it all up and posted by monday night before i leave for 10 days and i'm off grid as far as design goes. which stinks..but that's the way the cookie crumbles.

Have a fantastic week!

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

I live!!!

And so does CHR!! Classic Hollywood Romance! Lynn Callister was the lucky lady who'll be getting the full kit first, before i decide if i'm offering it as a freebie or selling it. i've also got another kit in the works, for breast cancer awareness, as i recently found out that my aunt is fighting breast cancer.

if you follow me on FB, you'll see that my hair is actually pink in front. i've stated that my hair will stay that way until my aunt wins her battle.

so be on the look out for the finished kit and maybe some freebies for it!